This is how you charge your Nissan Leaf anywhere
The Nissan Leaf is a great electric car; in the piston years, one of the world's best sellers. From Finland's point of view, however, it has one burden: the CHAdeMo fast charging standard (which of course is also found in cars other than Leafs, but the Leaf is the most common). There is nothing wrong with CHAdeMO itself, but in the competition between the two standards, the CCS standard has pulled the upper hand for us. It follows from this that CHAdeMO charging stations are currently being produced in Finland infrequently. This can cause a headache, especially on long journeys. However, we now have a solution for this, the only one in Finland.
It shouldn't have been possible. Namely, the construction of an adapter that would enable charging cars that support CHAdeMO fast charging with CCS chargers. However, as a result of the long development work of the Chinese, partly helped by Finnish engineering, a breakthrough has been achieved. Autonlaturit.com is proud to be the only Finnish importer of this product. Watch this video to see how the Finnish engineer Dala, who worked as a "test driver" in the development of the product, gets excited about the product!
It is now possible to pre-order the adapter. The first, affordable pre-order closes on March 15, 2024, so be quick. Here you can order and read more about the product.